Golden Land Baptist Missions (GLBM) is the arm of Lighthouse Baptist Church with the goal to reach the Buddhist and Asian world with the Gospel of Christ.
After financially supporting a church and orphanage in the middle of Old Burma (Myanmar) for five months and seeing the photographs of children that were eating a teaspoon of rice every other day, Missionary Evangelist Bob DeWitt took a trip there in 2009. Standing in the middle of Yangon—formerly known as Rangoon, a city of seven million Buddhists—Bro. DeWitt realized that God had brought him to the land of the famous missionary Adoniram Judson for a reason. Seeing the golden pagodas, the burgundy-robed monks, the multitudes of people worshiping statues and demonic spirits, the poverty, the hungry children, and a whole nation searching for hope and truth, Bro. DeWitt came back to America and started GLBM with the goal of planting 700 churches within the country’s 14 states and divisions by training and sending national preachers to do what no foreign missionary is permitted or able to do in Myanmar.
Now, several years later, GLBM works with over forty church planters, two associated Bible institutes, and dozens of schools and orphanages. GLBM Gospel tracts and discipleship materials are being written and published, and we also organize regular mission trips, conferences, and crusades. Additionally, GLBM partners with Bearing Precious Seed, Seedline Ministries, First Bible International, BEAMS, and Lighthouse Publications to provide Burmese Scriptures, tracts, and literature.
Bro. DeWitt and Lighthouse Baptist Church believe that the local church is the channel of world evangelism. Therefore, GLBM is operated at and by its home church base and works under the authority of that church and its Pastor.
Thousands of people have already turned to Christ. Preachers have been trained and sent, churches have been planted, and formerly underground churches have been strengthened. Refugees from Myanmar now live in 185 North American cities, and we have helped to start or strengthen outreach ministries to these people through local churches across the United States.Geographically, Myanmar forms the “hub of the wheel” in the Buddhist world. Burmese Buddhism (Theravada Buddhism) is the most fundamental version of Buddhism in the world. As churches are planted, preachers are trained, and missionaries are sent, it is our goal to reach out to other countries such as India, Nepal, Cambodia, Laos, and Thailand.
You and your church can become involved in reaching the “Golden Land” through GLBM. Our representatives are available for church services, mission conferences, and special meetings. Copies of our recent GLBM DVD, Burmese Scriptures, and gospel tracts for Buddhists are also available.
To learn more about this exciting and growing ministry, please visit the GLBM website.
Leadership, Missionaries, Representatives, and Staff
Pastor Richard Hack—President
Dr. Bob Dewitt—Founder / Director
Timothy Davis—Missionary
Peter Judson—Missionary